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Delayed Valentine’s Minis at the Orting Farm

Have I told you lately… that my clients are the freakin’ bomb? I planned a bunch of super cute mini sessions for this year and scheduled them all out in my planner. Unfortunately, I also decided to take up woodworking this year. I skipped wearing a respirator when doing a project (because seriously… we mask ALL the time and I’m lazy) which resulted in a lovely sawdust cough.

Thankfully, my clients were super understanding and flexible when I said we’d still do Valentine’s Minis, they’d just be a few weeks late. I had high hopes that I’d be able to do a whole wooden crate setup, but alas. Suddenly it was the end of the month and I was digging through my prop stash looking for inspiration.

All things considered, I’m in love with how this little farm Valentine’s mini setup came out! My kiddos picked out the flowers with me on Sunday morning and loved helping pick where things would go. I’m so thankful for these tiny creative geniuses and my clients who keep coming back to support my small business!

One thing that always surprises me: Finding out who’s paying attention to my blog and social media! When Alyssa booked her family’s Valentine’s Mini, I actually called my mom to share my excitement. Alyssa is one of those awesome mom friends I mentioned in a previous blog post. We met through the elementary school’s PTO. I was thrilled to meet her husband, Dave and their three incredible kids.

Of course, it’s just not a Valentine’s Day session without pulling the original Valentine’s for a moment and adorable couple’s photo! Lucky for me, Alyssa + Dave were totally game for some cute kissy faces.

With the pandemic still in full swing, sadly my other clients ended up needing to postpone. The past 12 months feel like a terrible game of “tag – you’re it” when it comes to scheduling things. I missed seeing them, but I know they’ll definitely be there next time!

In the meantime, Jake called his cousin to “come help load the set” and told him to put on a nice shirt. He failed to mention to Sarah + Shane that they’d be getting photos while they were at it. Of course, Sarah looks good even in her “laundry day” clothing and they’re one of the sweetest couples. Who knew Valentine’s Minis on laundry day would look so cute!

Of course, we can’t forget the fact that I luckily have a few little built in models. They’re game for anything and let me take a few shots of them as well. I have to say, when they asked for a photo with mom, I was surprised and thrilled all at the same time. I don’t know how I got so lucky with these three kiddos.

Our next set of minis will be spring themed, and I’m keeping my fingers crossed for near the end of April. Of course, it’s all going to depend on how Zeke is doing and how tired I end up by week 29. I can’t believe how quickly things are passing! Stay tuned for the next Mini Session Announcement!

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