
Welcome Evan James Luis | Enumclaw Photographer

Last year was really a whirlwind, and this little guy, Evan James Luis, joining us definitely made it one to remember. Jake and I had just decided we were done having kids and had started discussing the possible options for our family. But in the middle of planning our next big family Disney trip, we found out we were taking 10 of us (including my parents and my brother’s family), not just nine. I’m pretty sure my pregnancy announcement to Jake was one of the least creative announcements ever. I just handed him a positive pregnancy test as he was standing over the garbage can. Haha.

Evan James wasn’t a quiet one from the start. When a LRNP said the pregnancy wasn’t viable, we were sent to get an ultrasound and Evan was right there waiting for us. From the moment he could kick, he would do so at times I wasn’t sure my life was headed in the right direction. Of course, he’s a little trickster too, and when we went in for the anatomy scan, he decided not to participate and our gender reveal went something along the lines of “Well…. best estimated guess is a boy. But we’re really not sure. It could be a girl.” I should have known we’d be in for a ride with this one.

I’ve been blessed to have all of my kids via c-section, and I say blessed because I know what I’m getting into each time I go back. The moments before I got to meet Evan face to face was just as exciting as ever. But when the nurse handed him to me, I was in total shock. He was SO TINY; At a whopping 7 lbs 5 oz and 19 inches, he’s my smallest baby. I asked her where the rest of him was, and she laughed at me. I was thrilled to find out the nurses don’t take the baby away whenever possible now, so both Evan James and Jake got to stay in the OR with me the entire time.

Of course, things couldn’t have been simple and Evan James arrived the Friday of the Fall Bridesclub Wedding Expo at the Tacoma Dome. In true 2019 fashion, I was LUCKY to have made some amazing vendor friends this year, and Holly of Sirius Wood Fired Pizza was willing to meet me ahead of time to pick up my booth display! She and Chuck set things up on Friday while Jake and I were at the hospital, then Jake went in on Saturday and Sunday to greet all the couples at the show! Holly made sure to Facetime me a few times each day so I could say hi to my vendor connections and show off little Evan James.

Since he decided to grace us with his presence mid-wedding season, Evan James already has his own wedding resume. My couples this year were INCREDIBLE and no one minded that my assistant (sometimes my husband) would sit at the venue with Evan just waiting for him to be hungry. I’m truly blessed when it comes to having awesome clients and being able to bring my baby boy to work made the rest of wedding season a breeze! I’m thankful for each and every one of my clients this year and all years prior.

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