
Finding Inspiration when Bridal Mags aren’t your thing

It’s hard to find inspiration when you’re not a huge magazine person. Let’s be realistic, most tangible bridal magazines are great resources if: A) you haven’t set a budget and are day dreaming, B) You’re just looking for pretty pictures to inspire you or C) you realize they don’t set realistic expectations and you’re just reading for the bits and pieces of information they can offer.

The truth is that most big bridal magazines aren’t written for any of us planning weddings on a budget. When I flipped open an old copy of Bridal Magazine that I purchased in an airport in 2017 for blog inspiration, I was met with 60% Ads for big name companies I already knew, budgets that rivaled those on HGTV (He’s a mouse breeder. She’s a dust bunny excavator. Their budget is $500k not including the honeymoon.), the majority of the vendors and locations are national/international chains, and I only found one or two useful articles.

So really, WHERE is a modern bride supposed to go for realistic inspiration they can use on their wedding? Most of the big names are a bust (Pinterest, Instagram, Facebook) simply due to the overwhelming algorithms that show us the same looks over and over. Instead, turn to your local resources for the best wedding inspiration!

Inspiration at Your Favorite Store

Hear me out: Even if the only store you step foot in is a Target, you can find wedding inspiration in the aisles of your favorite store. Walk the home departments, gaze at the displays they put together. While you’re exploring the store you know like the back of your hand, pay attention to the following:

What colors are you drawn too? What plates, vases, housewares do you love? Do you find yourself continually drawn to the natural styles of the Magnolia line or are you more into pops of color? How about jewelry?

Once you’ve completed browsing your favorite store (Be sure to take photos of your inspiration pieces!), head to their website to find their hashtag (NOW is when you’ll need to head to that Insta account) and check out the inspiration they post!

Inspiration in Your own home

It’s amazing what kind of inspo you can find in the four walls of your home. Are you more of a minimalist when it comes to decor? You might consider a minimalistic wedding style (think geometric metal centerpieces, greenery garlands and simple place settings). Maybe you’re a more rustic, Joanna Gaines style and there are plenty of pretty corners to spark inspiration! If you’re a lover of everything shiplap, consider renting a wooden wall and custom made sign for the backdrop of your sweetheart table. Bonus if you can use the sign in your new “us” home.

Local Vendors & Corner Shops

While it seems like a lot of local vendors have dissed the blog-sphere for social media, there are still a ton who keep things real on the web! Seattle’s own Offbeat Bride, is a great local blog for some unique wedding inspiration. Seattle Bride Mag features a ton of local options and vendors as well. But don’t forget the “little guys” either. A few of my favorite blogs to follow:

Designs by Ashlie Smith
Elope 253
Jubilee Weddings & Events LLC

Of course, there are a ton more so feel free to drop a line if you know of someone who deserves to be on my “regular reading” list!

Remeber: Keep your eyes open

You can find wedding inspiration anywhere! Where is your favorite off the beaten path place to find inspiration for your own wedding?

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