
Our Winter Altimeter Adventure

In case you haven’t heard, Altimeter Cabin has quickly become our second home in the midst of the COVID madness. It’s a pure slice of heaven, and I love that we’re able to get away as a family. We’ve actually managed to visit a couple of times, including our Fall Adventure and a Spring Styled Shoot.

When we headed up there in January, in true to the Stein-Jones family fashion, we left an hour and a half later than I anticipated. I’d made sure to plan all our meals, and pack all the necessary ingredients this time (unlike last time where I’d planned to eat out and all the restaurants I’d picked were closed for the season. Oops). But of course, when you leave so late it’s pretty much a given that you’ll get 15 minutes into your 1.5 hour drive and one of the kids will start whining “I’m hungry. When are we having dinner?” So alas… it was McDonalds on the drive up.

Of course, we arrived after dark and pretty much just in time for bed. My kids remembered us letting them watch Jeff Dunham’s Arguing with Myself during our last trip. So the first thing they asked was if we could watch it again. (Yes. I know it’s a bit more than mildly inappropriate… but the man talks to puppets. Little is to be expected there. And it also happens to be the movie that got me through labor with Emi, so… soft spot.) So we popped it in and enjoyed our night.

This trip, I had an engagement session that wanted a snowy mountain background. Being so close to Mount Rainier, I scheduled the couple to meet us up on the mountain for their Snowy Adventure Session. My dad picked up my nephew and brought him up to play in the snow with the kids, while Jake and I hiked with the clients. It made for a great Saturday and to top it off, my dad brought me my favorite thing: our InstaPot. Homemade chicken noodle soup for the win that night!

Of course, it’s not an Altimeter Cabin weekend without a mini shoot. So the kids and I headed out to enjoy the property while Jake repacked the car. Would you believe the only photos I took that weekend were a few on Sunday? I mean, aside from the ones of my engagement clients on Saturday. I didn’t pull my camera out much at all! Definitely need to make an effort to do more of that in the coming months.

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